Thursday, January 19, 2017

treatment: week nine & ten

For those of you with Lyme who have been following my protocol, I am behind posting but we are still plugging along with treatment!  I am currently halfway through week 11, so this will bring my treatment log up to date.  I am combining weeks nine and ten because we didn't do IV's week nine due to travel plans and then winter weather delays.  I don't have a ton of information to add....

We did however celebrate the re-introduction to eggs and chicken week nine!  It sounds silly, but when you have eliminated such common foods from your diet, it's a party when you add them back in!  We did allergy testing and found that four out of five us us were showing reactions to eggs and chicken, so we did the GAPS diet for a month and did not go back on the eggs and chicken for FOUR LONG MONTHS.  I am a girl that loves protein for breakfast, so I love being able to have eggs again.  (So do my kids.  And it makes cooking a lot less challenging!)

Week Nine:
I feel more energy and "awakeness" than before and notice that I can stand for longer periods of time without feeling like I will fall over feeling breathless.  I have noticed some heart palpitations but that could be due to thyroid balance or even hormonal issues (will be checking those labs again in a few weeks).

(We were out of town and I didn't log my symptoms)

Today would normally be IV day because we did not go in on Monday, but the weather had other plans- SNOW!  All my kids were home from school and even if we could leave, I am not sure my car would have gotten back up our steep driveway.  It was a wonderful day off!

On days like these, I rely on liposomal vitmin C!  It's amazing stuff, and I highly recommend researching the benefits of liposomal form.  I took 16 grams orally.

Physically I felt tired today but not terrible...mentally and emotionally feeling motivated to get more stuff done in a day than one person can handle.  I am totally making up for the days during the summer months that I couldn't do much!

I literally just realized at 1:00 this afternoon that it's supposed to be ozone/bionic day!  I have been in vacation mode after missing IV's...but here we go, back at it.  Today feeling some head pressure, eye pain and a bit foggy today.

(normal info for ozone...400 RI, one hour HBOT followed by bionic.  I did add a rickettsia nosode today as well.)

On a funny note...I went to go refill my thyroid medication (I take 90 mg armour daily) and realized that for the past month I have been taking my cortisol (5 mg dose) instead of my thyroid (the pills are the same size and same size bottle from the same pharmacy) !  I kept feeling like my clothing was getting a little tight...wasn't panicking yet but I had just told my sister-in-law that I felt like treatment was making me pork out!  Needless to say I totally snickered at myself and became very consistent in my thyroid dosing.  This could be why I had heart-palpitations too, LOL.

No IV again today- Dr. was sick, but the weather brought snow and ice again anyways!  It was a liposomal C day, 28 grams total.

Knee pain.

Still noticing chronic knee and joint pain.  (Like I have mentioned in the past though, mentally I am thinking!!! So thankful to have a brain back- not that I don't have my moments, but I feel like I am living in reality now, as opposed to times previous when it truly felt like living color was not reality- I was so loopy that it felt like a dream.  Health is a blessing I will never take for granted again.  Praising God.)

Week Ten

ozone/bionic day...400 RI, one hour HBOT, bionic same settings as previous.  I am noticing knee and hip pain, but also a really sore neck like I slept wrong on it.

IV day- vitamin C, homeopathics, methylated B's, sodium bicarbonate, glutathione push at the end.

I am supplementing with liposomal vitamin C on days that are not either IV or ozone days.  I took 12 grams today.

ozone/bionic day- same settings.  Physically am noticing shooting pain in my legs and tired feet.  Not horrible or debilitating, just feel very fatigued.  I am wondering if having a week off of IV vitamins is catching up with me, or if it is just herxing.  I am thankful that it's not a tired that comes with that inner "shaky" feeling that I used to have.

IV day...20 grams C (we alternate 15 gram doses with 20 gram doses) with the typical vitamin mix.  Not all of my B's were methylated today, due to some shipping issues getting the methylated form in, and though I prefer to have methylated (look up MTHFR issues) I am hoping that the non-methylated will not be an issue.

(Even when you take Vitamin B in pill form, a methylated version is preferred.  Research says that up to 50% of the population has an issue with this, and it can cause a myriad of health consequences.  Individuals with Lyme are especially prone to issues with this, as an under-methylation issue causes an inability to detox correctly.  It could be a whole other blog post that I will not get into- if you are curious, google it- it's fascinating.)

woke up feeling ill- ran errands and felt that familiar shaky, breathless, faint feeling pushing a cart loaded down at Costco.  (UGH)

Feeling better today.  Was wondering if I was getting the flu yesterday- sore all over, fatigued and head-ache but no sore throat so I am thinking maybe herx.  I also emailed my Dr. to see if anything in the IV could have caused such a yucky decline.  I felt pretty exhausted and dizzy sitting in the pew at church.

Went home to do ozone/bionic with the normal settings and nosodes previously listed.  Fell asleep at 4:00 until 7:30, then went to bed again at 10:30.

I talked to my Dr. and he said it is possible that it was too much nutrients in too little solution, and was actually dehydrating to my body, so we will make sure to do the big bag of saline, even though it takes longer to drip.  (By Monday, the very next day, I felt like whatever the issue was had worked through my system.  We will also always do methylated B's.)


  1. Good job Liz!! You're doing great! I'm so excited for you that your healing and recovery is just around the corner. All of your diligence, time and exhausting faithfulness to your protocol will be so worth it in the end. Plexus Ease and Cream has been really helpful for my joint pain. It's not that strong but it takes the edge off anyway. Have you tried it? Take care Liz!!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi, so sorry to be late in a reply. Go ahead an email me at Would love to chat with you about it.
