Saturday, November 19, 2016

treatment: week one

Week One:
Hyperbaric chamber use prior to week one:
6 hours (6 sessions- 1 hr. each)

Nov 6, Sunday: got really sick after eating food over a weekend away that I usually doesn’t eat, (my fault).  Vomited through the night and was close to losing consciousness every time I stood.  Had intense jerking of the body (I could not control it) but coherent for all of it.  Was able to keep fluids down by morning and use of the bionic (without a nosode) aimed at my abdomen where the twitching seemed to be originating from eased symptoms.  9.77 hz, 630 seconds on abdomen, then five points: right/left wrist, right/left ear, forehead.

Nov 7, Monday:  I was able to stand and walk, feeling better.  spent one hour in the Hyperbaric chamber to prep for the week.

Nov 8, Tuesday:  First day of treatment. 
IV fluids:
600 mg Glutathione (push at the end of IV)
1000 mg Vitamin C
1,000 mg magnesium
Trace minerals combination of zinc, copper, manganese, chromium

Nov 9, Wednesday:
Took an enzyme test to verify our bodies can process high dose vitamin C. 
60 cc rectal insufflation followed by 1 hour in the hyperbaric chamber
BIONIC: used with lyme nosode-  10 points, 11.77 hz, 330 seconds each point
Supplements: Detox protocol and also added in Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg/ 3 times day
Symptoms: I sweated through one shirt this night and woke with knee pain several times that night. 

Nov 10, Thursday
IV Treatment #2-  I am tired after treatment this morning.  Battling a low grade headache
Dr. has ordered in Lymphostat made by HEEL, a German brand that helps detox.  We will add that in on IV days, although German protocol uses it on ozone/bionic days via IV. 
Symptoms: irregular heartbeat, fast then skips.  Lethargy, mild head-ache, feel angry, eyes hurt, sweaty

Nov 11, Friday
I sweated through two shirts overnight and changed twice- a cold sweat.  Still sweating today and not feeling well due to intense cramping.  Used Aleve all day.

Nov 12, Sat
Liz- 1 hour Hyperbaric Chamber
Symptoms: Exhausted and achy 


  1. What a journey... thank you for sharing. So many will be touched and blessed, and encouraged to fight.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story! You are an amazing inspiration! Do you mind sharing where you are getting this treatment? I have been trying to get my daughter in to treatments in Germany for months with no response.

    1. Hi! I emailed you...I am SO sorry it took me so long to reply. If you have any further questions please feel free to email back asap. Praying for your family.
