Wednesday, December 7, 2016

treatment: week four

(I am posting this as I am in week five, so now I am caught up with the treatment updates!  The next post will be out in four or five days, detailing week five and you will be tracking with me as close to real time as possible.).
Day One
It's ozone and bionic day!  400 RI followed by one hour in hyperbaric chamber.  Bionic 880 at 11.77 hz, 330 seconds, 10 points, 100% power with lyme nosode (from Germany).

I felt better cognitively today and could track with peoples conversations without feeling confused at the pace of it.  I did good throughout the day, mostly resting after church and had really intense knee pain in the evening.

Day Two
No IV, there was a mix-up in the scheduling, so I grocery shopped!  Had some knee pain, but also had some energy.

Day Three
IV vitamin C (25 grams).  We did not do any vitamin B or glutathione because the vitamin C dose is so high.  The IV did still include lymphostat and a mineral mix.

Physically I have a slight head-ache (it usually happens when I get IV C) but not as bad as previous days.  I feel slightly better brain function.  Today was monumental because I did outside work!  Usually I tunnel vision past my front entrance, intent on getting to the couch or the bed, but today I felt a desire to weed a bit.  I was able to work for an hour and a half and then my body was so tired, my muscles were shaky walking up stairs and I became clumsy, like I had just done burn out with weights.  I got a little nauseated too, so I rested.  I had some deep knee pain that was sporadic, but overall I see improvment.

Day Four
Ozone - 400 cc RI followed by hyperbaric chamber for one hour.   Bionic at 11.77, 330 seconds, 10 points, 100% power.  As the day wore on, I developed neck pain and knee pain.  By 4:00 pm I was completely exhausted, had a bad crink in my neck and spine and felt sore and stiff.  Felt emotionally overwhelmed and a bit hopeless.

Day Five
I added into the daily protocol "Adrenal Support" by HerbPharm.  Today is IV day...we are back to the 15 gram vitamin C dose with the added methylated B's, minerals, lymphostat and glutathione push (detailed on "the mostly german protocol" page).  I had no headache in the A.M. and had energy until 2 PM, then felt neck pain and knee pain.  Tired and have felt word block all this week- cannot verbalize what I mean to say very well.  Physically, I am feeling a "lightness" that I didn't know was missing.

A great example of this is:  When I typically took a shower, I would dread washing my hair.  My arms felt so heavy, like lifting boulders.  By the time I was out, I was dreading blow-drying my hair and getting dressed.  I would typically lay on my bed for 5-10 minutes after my shower to let my arms rest before continuing.  Today I realized that I don't have to rest anymore after my shower.  In fact, I showered, dressed, blow-dried my hair, put on my make-up and then vacuumed.  Yes, I was tired, but it was POSSIBLE for me to physically do without feeling like I was going down.  I cannot tell you what this feels like in my heart...hope!  And shock that I didn't realize how tired I had gotten over the last several months before treatment began.

Day Six
Today was a busy and wonderful day.  I visited with some family and friends...I had a stiff neck again, but had energy to think and be out and about a bit.  I did have some issues with my vision today, had a hard time focusing and felt like things kept getting blurry.  (You know those black and white illusion pictures?  It was like one of those being tilted back and forth.  My eyes could not focus on a face, like my lens kept getting confused with the background and didn't know what to focus on.)  By 2 pm my energy was gone and the head-ache came on.

Day Seven
We decided to get out of the house and take a trip to Crater Lake National Park.  It is beautiful and my kids have been begging to go up to the snow.  It was glorious, and a four hour outing was just what we needed.  Usually I would have panicked at all the snow gear (and laundry) and food prep that was needed, but I plowed through prep, had a great day, and came home a bit sore and tired, but wonderful.  I had enough energy to put wet gear in the laundry and throw together some dinner.  I would call this a higher level of functioning for sure!  I ached a bit when I got into bed, but this is huge improvement.  (Usually on a busy day like this my head would cloud over, and my eyes would literally refuse to stay open and I would be asleep by 5:00.)   But not today...and it was bliss.


Did you know that Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States?
It is also the seventh deepest lake in the world.  It has no inlet or outlet,
so it is filled by precipitation only.

The sun was SO bright, this was the best picture we got!

The snow made it's own icy decorations on this tree.

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