Friday, April 14, 2017

his love was greater

I have not had the desire to write this blog has been neglected.  It won't be for long- I have had a blog post brewing for several months but don't quite have all the words yet.  The Lord is working on my heart still.  But I want to come online and post something I posted today on my Facebook feed and give a shoutout to those struggling with Lyme.  Hope matters...Jesus brings hope in impossible situations.  This is largly what my next blog post will be about. But for now, this:

Today, I am grateful.  So grateful that at my very worst, Christ looked at me and loved me.  He died so that I might be not just from eternal death but free from the things that strangle the life out of us on this earth- things that have us in chains.  He freed me from the chains of fear.  He also freed me from the chains of an eating disorder.  He has been my hope and source of undeniable strength through a Lyme diagnosis of myself and my children that broke my heart and tested my faith.  He is the Shepherd of my life and the Savior of my soul.  

Thank you, Jesus that you gave everything to clothe me with robes of righteousness not my own. 

Today, I hope each of us pause to truly let the truth sink in all over again...His love is awesome and it never ends, no matter how much shame fills our heart..."my sin was great, His love was greater..." He nailed our sin the the cross and buried death and defeat.  Praise God!!!


What did God free you from?! ❤