Saturday, November 19, 2016

journal entry from November 3

Nov 3, 2016
So, our treatment starts in less than a week.  It is Gods precious kindness to us…a miracle.  I should be excited and absolutely silence-struck with how all this has come together.  And I am, in a quiet and deep way, like the quiet of deep waters.  But in my heart, I am conflicted.  Because this is where it gets real- where I either sink or swim. 
I am terrified.  All these months I have held out hope for treatment, knowing it was the best chance of having our family back and having hope back.  Now we go through treatment and it either works...or it doesn’t.  My heart cannot take any more ache, my body cannot process any more trauma.  My brain refuses to work, yet I will be in charge of my many pills, treatment protocol, and trying to hold it all together. 

I cannot imagine feeling the way I do on my “bad days” for six weeks.  Or even most days of those six weeks.  I am terrified that I won’t be able to function, and I long to hold on to control- hold on to my pride of being able to do things my way, by myself.  On my bad days, I am incapable of doing much except surviving until I wake up a new day.  I feel like we are in a prison with chains others cannot see, but they hold us taut every single day and affect every single aspect of our lives.  Our diet, our energy, our ability, our finances, our fellowship, our daily schedule and it constantly struggles for dominance over our attitude.  These waves feel like they will swallow me whole.  Every day I fight an invisible battle that I cannot possibly put into words for anyone else to understand.  The shadows are too dark and too vague to outline- they overlap each other until they are not individual shadows, but one big ominous sky overhead.  I struggle to let God’s light shine…he holds my hand and walks me through the dark, but he does not part the clouds and overcome the shadows.  They remain.  He tells me to walk on.  I cry and tell him I can’t.  He can’t possibly expect me to.  And yet I live another day- His sun rises on a new morning with new mercies…and I am still here.  
So I walk, praising my creator as the storm presses on. 

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