Tuesday, December 6, 2016

treatment: week three

This post will be informational.  These treatment updates are meant to be most beneficial for those with Lyme who are curious about the protocol, and the results I am experiencing.  For any questions, please feel free to email, and refer back to the link here entitled "the mostly german protocol" that gives specifics and a broad outline of the treatment.


day one
Tired today, intense head-ache came on all of the sudden during church.  Felt really dizzy/floating feeling with pain in joints- felt weak but functional.  Rested most of the day.

day two
Ozone day:  400 cc RI followed by one hour in the hyperbaric chamber.  Used the bionic 880 at 10 points, 11.77 hz,, 330 seconds each on 100% power (always with lyme nosode from Germany taped onto stomach, called the "solarplexus").

Physically felt tired with head and neck ache but not debilitating.  Found some energy today, which was thrilling.

The view from inside the hyperbaric chamber.  It's not so bad once it's inflated.  This is the smallest of the models - larger ones are available, but this seems cozy to me, and it comes to pressure within five minutes.  Every minute counts when you have to wait ONE HOUR in here.  
Here I am in my F-15...or something like that.  The oxygen is pumped through a tube via an oxygen concentrator machine, and the pressure of the hyperbaric chamber helps each and every cell become saturated with life-giving 02!  (I highly recommend that you research the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy!  It's amazing.)

day three
IV Vitamin C (15 gram), along with the regular minerals, sodium bicarbonate etc, and ended with a glutathione push.

Physically I have a headache that stays somewhat consistent in my forehead region (pre-frontal cortex) and today I can almost feel it in my ears- it's weird.  I catch glimpses of an unexplainable "light" mentally...like a break in some very dark clouds.  My sister-in-law said that she can tell I am mentally more clear and tracking way more than I did in June (we took a weekend trip together) and my husband said he saw glimpses of the old me that laughed more.  (wow!)

day four
(normally this would be ozone day but we gave ourselves the day off because there will be no IV tomorrow due to Thanksgiving.)  No headache or knee pain this morning!  This is phenomenal.  I waited for the head-ache to happen but it held off until late evening.  I have glimpses of a veil lifting off of my mind that I have only just recently been aware is there.  I have hope!!! (I wrote about today here)

day five
Today was thanksgiving.  I was able to wake up at 7:30 and do baking for a few hours with no head pain.  Knees started to hurt at noon, but I am still feeling better than I have in a long time.  By dinner time with my family I was feeling really loopy and dizzy, unable to concentrate enough to answer questions without having to think really hard.  By 4:00 I was very tired but it was a wonderful day to have energy that held out that long.

day six
I added these into the daily protocol:
Nordic Naturals Complete omega d-3's
cilantro (to help detox)
This morning I awoke with deep fatigue and hand pain.  I have a sore neck, completely constant.  My leg is twitching and my right knee hurts.

day seven
I had energy this morning when I woke up, and started to have knee and lower back pain later.  Had some energy to play a bit with my family, but still achy and frontal lobe head-ache.

Overall, I started to see some glimpses of energy and hope like I haven't had in months.  I still have pain, but it seems to be less constant.


  1. Good job on week three Liz!! So do your kids peek in the window at end of the chamber and go, "Mom, are you almost done?" I pray that this time in there will be most a most special time with the Lord. May He minister to you and bring you rest and strength to finish the day.

  2. Love you Sweet Little Sis and love following your progress❤️

  3. Liz, I pray you and your family are doing well.
    A friend of mine in town met you and gave me your blog to send to my relative in NY that has been battling lymes for years, she is 60.
    I'm loooking into a home hyperbaric chamber for other health issues as well, can you give me any insight as to who to contact and what to look for
    God bless you and your family. Thank you Toni

    1. Toni, I apologize for the late reply- I took a break from this blog for a while but I would love to help with information if it's still needed. email me at lizbeatslyme@hotmail.com.
