Friday, February 3, 2017

treatment: week twelve

We keep plugging along through treatment...there have been high's and lows and the better we feel the less I want to spend time logging information in our treatment journal.  That's good I think!  There is not much new to report this week, just another update on our continued protocol.  I am skipping week 11 update altogether- it's pretty much the same as what you will find in week 12.  We are ready to be done, but faithfully plodding along...until we can verify that this has killed spirochetes.  (See below on how we plan to do that with lab testing.)

day one
ozone and bionic day, one hour in hyperbaric chamber.

day two
IV day... 15 grams vitamin C (plus other nutrients)

day three
God has been so present this week in so many small and big ways.  One of my boys was having issues with treatment that was making my mommy heart ache for him.  Many prayers went up both in our family, and from friends.  On this morning, the Lord answered.  There is a big heart drawn in our treatment journal this day.  I didn't log many symptoms this week because my mind was busy controlling chaos, lol.

day four
ozone and Bionic therapy, along with one hour in hyperbaric chamber.

day five
IV day...20 grams vitamin C (plus other nutrients)

day six
This is one of our free days in the treatment!

day seven
Another day off treatment...we had a long week and ended it with a long day but all in all, doing well.

I have very few symptoms but still notice very slight knee pain on some days.  It is hard to know what is symptoms from Lyme remnants verses fatigue from adrenals that still need to heal. I do see huge improvement in my family, but it is too early to say if this treatment will be something that kills the Lyme off completely.

On that note, right now we are researching labs in Europe to see if we can send off our samples and get a more accurate reading than what is offered here in the states.  IGeneX is excellent to use as a means for diagnosis of Lyme disease, due to their highly sensitive specialized testing.  But, if you are looking to see if you are recovering from Lyme, IGeneX is not the best way to do so because it will actually show a rise in antibodies after fighting off Lyme (whether Lyme is just in remission or, as doctors in Germany have found, Lyme is completely eradicated from the body).  This means that even if there are no more spirochetes in your blood, you will get a full blown postive result on your test!  This is because your body has had a huge rise in spirochete specific antibodies...showing you have had a reaction to spirochete presence.

IGeneX tests for an anti-body response to spirochete's; labs in Europe offer a darkfield blood microscopy. 

The FDA does not approve of darkfield microscopy for blood analysis or diagnosis.

***NOTE: Since publishing this post, a friend and fellow lymie shared with me this link to a lab in the United States that performs this service.  Check out Fry Laboratories, L.L.C. here.

 Here is a picture of what a darkfield test might show if your blood is riddled with spirochetes.

Spirochetes are a corkscrew shape bacteria that burrow into cells, tissue and
even the brain tissue once it crosses the blood-brain barrier

This shows Lyme in cyst form.  Lyme can also hide in biofilm that protects the bacteria
from attack...antibiotics can't touch it.  That's why LLMD's talk a lot about cyst
and bio-film busting methods to treat Lyme.  It's a tricky disease to fight.

Below is a good explanation taken from online translation via a German lab...

Borrelia are spiral-shaped bacteria (spirochetes) that move around their own axis. After infection, they enter the cells within about 6-48 hours.
There are different strains: borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (arthritis), B. afzelii (acrodermatitis), B. garinii (neuroborreliosis), B. spielmanii, etc. The transmission is by tick ticks, but is also possible by other insects.
The classic borreliosis runs in 3 stages of disease:
  • Acute infection redness, erythema migrans (about 40-50%), flu-like symptoms
  • Stage II after weeks Arthralgia, meningitis, myocarditis, neurological symptoms (paresis)
  • Stage III polyarthritis, encephalomyelitis (neuroborreliosis), lymph node swelling
Frequently, however, many different, partly very nonspecific symptoms are present.
Although the disease has been increasingly researched in recent years, many questions are open, which makes diagnostics (and therapy) more difficult. In addition, the possible lab tests are only positive in about 60% (AK, Elisa) and about 80-90% (LTT). In addition, the serologic blood tests do not show the pathogens themselves, but only the response of the immune system. This can only react inadequately if the pathogens "hide" in the cells or the immune system is already weakened by other things (herd, heavy metal loads, cortisone, etc.).
In the dark field microscopy on the other hand are living spirochetes can be clearly seen. Therefore, the method was used earlier to study spirochetes, leptospires, and treponemes as the method of choice. Due to their intracellular occurrence, they are not recognizable in the case of chronic borreliosis patients in the freshly taken blood, but appear only after a few hours (by the disintegration of the blood). They are easily recognizable by their shape and the typical rapid, serpentine movement. In part, one can also directly observe the passage through the erythrocyte membrane."

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