Wednesday, November 23, 2016

celebrating the small victories

I will update our week two soon, but I just had to give a quick shout-out to those of you with Lyme who are watching this German protocol process.

Today I am on week three, day four of treatment...and I woke up without pain.  I was skeptical at first, waiting for the typical tired (like I've been hit by a train and then run over) to plague me, and the head-ache that has been fairly constant in my forehead the last three weeks to make itself known.  It didn't. 

It's very hard to explain, but I feel like the mental cloud that has made it's home in my brain lifted just a little bit today...enough for me to be aware that it's there, and to see light on the other side.  I don't mean just an emotional cloud of darkness lifted, but there was actually a cognitive ability that I have not had previous- I did not have to labor as hard to think through my grocery shopping list, where I had to go next, and what pills I needed to take today.  Besides the mental status, I feel hope in my heart because of the glimpse of health I see in my body.  Today I didn't have my heart pounding and feel dizzy after bringing my groceries to the car.  I did not feel desperate to get home.  I forgot what it felt like to be healthy, and I didn't realize how far I had fallen.  This makes me sad, but also extremely THANKFUL. 

So even if tomorrow, on Thanksgiving, I crash and am achy and exhausted, that is okay.  I know I will have good days and bad days on this journey...I am not ignorant enough to think I am fully healed today, or assume that the darkness will not come back tomorrow.  Even now, I feel some of the "tired" descending, after a day being busy, and my left knee is doing that familiar ache that I have gotten used to and typically ignore.  BUT, I know something is happening...a bit of my "normal" is coming back.  I am more sure than ever that we will continue to press on and see where we stand at week 12...and I will be thanking my Jesus all the way. 

Here's to some health and healing ahead!  (Thank you Levi, for always helping me keep my laughter.)

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