Friday, November 18, 2016

the mostly german protocol

(A big part of this treatment protocol was put together by several who have traveled to Germany to receive treatment for Lyme Disease.  The other part of the treatment protocol was put together by a local Naturopathic Dr. who also practices Homeopathy.  I chose this protocol because of it's proven success rate)

Detox Phase:

       Herbal Heplaclenz -two tablets, (Professional Formulas)
       Whole Body Liquesence, 15 drops under tongue (Professional Formulas)
       Chicory Ginger Digestive Bitters with food, 10 drops (Uriel) plus 5-6 drops of Stevia
       Probiotic - one tablet (Prescript Assist)
       Alpha Lipoic Acid -  one 200 mg capsule (natural factors,)
       Nordic Naturals Complete Omega-D3's - two capsules
       Whole Leaf Cilantro - one dropperful ( Herb Pharm)
       ProFerrin ES (one capsule)
       Stevia- Nutramedix brand, five drops in tea or water

After breakfast:
       Lymph/spleen Complex, 1 capsule (Professional Formulas)

      Chicory Ginger Digestive Bitters, 10 drops
      Alpha Lipoic Acid -  one 200 mg capsule (Natural Factors)

       Chicory Ginger Digestive Bitters, 10 drops
       Whole Body Detox Liquesence, 15 drops under the tongue
       Probiotic - one tablet (Prescript Assist)
        Alpha Lipoic Acid -  one 200 mg capsule (Natural Factors)

No dairy, gluten and only natural sugars.  I did food sensitivity testing and am off of all chicken and eggs, along with a few other misc. food allergens I avoid.  I limit sugar, but do have maple syrup, some honey and also tea with nutramedix brand liquid stevia. 

I was on the Detox supplements for about three weeks before starting Lyme Treatment. 

Lyme Treatment:

I continue to take all the detox supplements every day of the week.  (Except one supplement; please refer to the notes below regarding Ozone days).  I have also added:
                  - 25,000 IU vitamin A once a week (THORNE brand)
                  - ozone sauna (with or without ozone) is available to detox on ozone days (Cure Health Spa is offering a 20% discount on all ozone sauna sessions if you mention that you heard about them from this post)

IV Formulation
                  -600 mg Glutathione push
                  -1000 mg Vitamin C (will increase to 15 grams after enzyme test comes back)
                  -1000 mg magnesium
                  -Multi-trace minerals mix
                                    5 mg zinc
                                    1 mg copper
                                    0.5 mg manganese
                                    10 mcg chromium
                                    60 mcg Selenium
                  -methylated B complex, called B100
                  -sodium bicarbonate
                  -Lymphostat by HEEL (a German homeopathic detox- This is usually done in Germany via IV on the ozone days, but we will add it to the Vitamin C IV days.)

Ozone/Bionic Days: Two days a week
          -up to 400cc ozone via rectal insufflation
                  - 1 scoop SANUM Pleo Alkala Antacid powder (or 1/2 tsp baking soda)
                  -one hour in Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber immediately following RI and alkala
(Cure Health Spa is offering a 20% discount on all Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber sessions if you mention that you heard about them from this post)
-Bionic 880: 10 points at 11.77 Hz, 100% power, 330 seconds (borellia burdorferi nosode taped to solar plexus)

On Ozone days I do not take any supplements that have Vitamin C in them, because it will render the ozone ineffective.  Recommendations are to avoid it within an hour of ozone treatment, but because I am getting such high doses of Vitamin C on IV days, I avoid it completely on ozone days.  This means I ELIMINATE THE LYMPH/SPLEEN COMPLEX FROM MY PILL REGIMEN THAT I USUALLY TAKE AFTER BREAKFAST ON OZONE DAYS.

I have German nosodes on order (Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma pneumonia and Rocky Mountian Spotted Fever.)  I know I have more co-infections than that, namely Colorado Tick Fever, Erlichia and EBV, etc., but I will address those after I take care of Lyme and the main co-infections I believe affecting my health, if they are not already gone after treatment.


  • Want to note the recommendation from Dr. Woitzel in Germany: "Finally, all of my patients receive a detoxification treatment, which includes an intravenous infusion of magnesium, zinc, Hepar comp (a homeopathic liver decontaminant), Solidago comp (a homeopathic kidney support remedy), Lymphomyosot (a homeopathic remedy to support the lymphatic system) and 100 ml of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 8.4 %)."

A picture of what the Bionic 880 looks like

A German Nosode that you tape to your Solar plexus (stomach area) during Bionic treatment

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