Tuesday, December 13, 2016

treatment: week five


This week was met with a mixed bag of symptoms.  I feel like I had an incredible week four, with all the glimpses I was seeing of more energy and clarity of thought.  Overall, I still feel like I am gradually climbing up, but I wasn't prepared to have bad days again.  I know this is part of the process and my body is fighting hard.  I also want to note that I began introducing protocol to fight babesia (maybe a little too early) so not only is my body fighting off Lyme and the toxin die-off, it is struggling to overcome this nasty co-infection that many Lyme sufferers' also have.  I have several co-infections, but I chose to start with babesia because most of my symptoms are very babesia related (in addition to Lyme).  For those who want to follow more closely to the German protocol, it seems that the doctor in Germany would recommend starting the co-infection battle closer to week ten.  I will see how I feel this week and re-assess next week.  Here goes the week five update!

175 mg artemisia annua (tincture form).  I have energy this morning, and don't feel as much brain fog.  I do have achy muscles, only minor and knee pain when I stand.

400 cc RI followed by one hour in hyperbaric chamber
one scoop alkala (like baking soda to neurtalize body's ph)
Bionic 880 at 11.77, 330 seconds, 100% power with a Lyme nosode.

I woke up with sore muscles (like I was lifting weights overnight, lol).  Today is IV vitamin C day.  These days we are up to 25 grams vitamin C, with no glutathione push.  I know there are amazing benefits to high dose C, but I am probably going to go back down to the 15 gram dose because I want to keep the benefits of the glutathione, only possible on lower-dose days.

Today I realized that I have less anxiety.  I was driving and thinking about what felt different, and all at once it came to me.  I didn't know that I had so much panic in my heart most of the time, always simmering on the back burner.  Usually while driving, every car on the road was too much input in my head, and I had to focus really hard on what I was doing.  Normally, our brains can sort out in our head the non-necessary information while we are driving, but it's like my brain was a broken camera lens that could not fade out the background nonsense.  It was always on input overload, which is why loud noises and any added chaos sent me over the edge.  I could not have verbalized this to you three weeks ago...I just knew I was overwhelmed in the head.  It is a precious realization to be driving and realize there is peace in your heart...that was today.  (Thank you, Lord.)

Physically I feel pain in my knees but not the intense, agonizing pain- it's constant, but more dulled.  I feel hope in my heart today.

I also want to note that I wrote in my journal that social settings have begun to interest me again. (Those who know me will understand the victory that this is...as my symptoms increased over the past two years, I went into a big cave, tucked my head in my shell and isolated myself so much...I just have not been able to handle being "out.")  The desire to hide myself and talk as little as possible has decreased a lot.  It's humiliating and confusing to know that you are mentally incapable of making sense in conversation (and know in your own head it doesn't make sense) and yet be completely sane and aware of it all.  It's a very unique situation, and people with Lyme try to hide it as best they can.  Some days I would get into my car and just cry after social settings because I was so tired physically and mentally from the strain, but to everyone else, it's as effortless and automatic as brushing their teeth in the morning.  That knowledge alone makes you feel isolated.  You know you are not an idiot, but you feel like one.  And you can't spend too long analyzing and agonizing over this, because you are pressed to get on with life, and operate.  It takes every last bit of strength and focus to be operational, so you press on and go into survive mode.  (To everyone who can understand exactly how this feels, I am so sorry.  Keep going...I believe with all my heart that there is hope for healing!)

It snowed at our house today!  Such a wonderful treat to have a dusting of wonderful white.
I started a few new supplements recommended by my ND:

Bio-Botanical Research Inc. G.I. Detox.  This will be especially beneficial as a "binder" for all the toxin die-off.

Integrative Therapeutics Berberine Complex.  This will help with energy.)

Ozone day and Bionic day...400 cc RI followed by 1 hour in hyperbaric chamber.
One scoop alkala powerder to balance ph.
Bionic 880, 11.77 hz, 330 seconds, 100% power with borellia and babesia nosode.

Physically I had a head-ache by 11:00 a.m.  I woke feeling groggy and bloated, probably due to my crazy hormonal issues.  I was also sweaty randomly. (super fun, lol)

We would normally do IV's today, but scheduling was changed for this week, and we will do IV C tomorrow.  Physically I have knee and hip pain.  My eyes feel achy (is that even a thing?) and my body is capable of functioning-I am not in bed all day- but I am very tired on a cellular level.

Mentally I have noticed that I don't feel that cloak of "doom and gloom" descending upon me as often...when it starts, I feel like I have more control of being able to climb out before I drop.  This is not just a spiritual thing, because although my faith in the Lord has been tested and tried (seriously), my walk with Him and dependence on Him has remained the same.  I really feel like this is a chemical change that is taking place. My kids see the difference too...this week I am starting to feel like the "old me" that was happy...truly deeply happy with a wonderful (and less than perfect) life.  I am ready to have that completely back.

Tonight was a very hard night.  By evening my pain was intensifying.  My knee pain turned into leg pain and muscle pain, then I started having twitching again.  It is awful.  This is what's known to "Lymies" as a herxheimer reaction.

I am curious to know what other peoples experience with herx twitching is like, but I will do my best to explain mine...

It begins during waves of joint and muscle pain that are very intense and I don't want to move at all.  I am okay when the twitching begins, but after a while I am not brave anymore and I am desperate to have it stop...desperate for control over my body again.  Every twitch tenses my legs and stomach.  I lose air in my lungs as the twitch happens like I am getting the wind knocked out of me.  It's almost like that jerk-reaction that the doctor tests on your knee, only my knees jerk up and my body hurts.  I can talk through it, but my lungs still have air being pushed out at every twitch so it sounds like I am being hit in the stomach.  (This is hard to talk about, sorry if it is too much for some of you!)  I am strong for a while, but then silent tears start falling because I hate this.  I can't stop this, and what the heck is it?!  My husband tried to relax my muscles by rubbing my lower back and although I was weak and wobbly, (and my calves were so cramped) he helped me get up and walk for a bit.  This helped and the twitching stopped, but the second my muscles weren't in motion and I was laying down, the twitching began again.  It would seem that the logical response would be to walk, but the pain and fatigue is overwhelming.

It stopped after about 15-20 minutes and sleep came.

IV Day...vitamin C, methylated B vitamins, lymphostat, minerals and a glutatione push at the end.
Today I also started a homeopathic tincture made by my ND to help my hormone levels.  I have read that a lot of ladies with lyme struggle with this, especially rough swings throughout the month and everything that comes with it.  I will go through hormone testing soon to help level things out, but this will help my body naturally cope a bit until then.

Physically today I am tired with a sore neck, spotty head-ache and generalized muscle pain.  My head feels foggy today and my eyes hurt...I have also felt heart palpitations throughout the day and even some pain in my lungs when I breathe (I am thinking this might be a babesia symptom).

I have some energy to clean my house!  Feeling bloated due to hormone issues, but overall I can't complain.  I am ready to keep hitting Lyme and babesia hard, and I will see where it lands me!  I am excited for week six, and hoping there is even more healing ahead.  I am ready to have my kids home for Christmas break and enjoy time playing with them, instead of feeling guilty for needing to rest all the time...although some Christmas movies in pajamas is totally happening, sick or not!  It's one of the best parts about Christmas break...family time. :-)
A precious loved one texted me this picture...no words needed!  To all you out there with Lyme...you will get through this.  


  1. what an incredible war you are in. Each post bring tears to my eyes, I am amazed how overwhelming this all is. Yet you are so good to share the positives, the hopeful, the faith. God bless you today and throughout this entire process...to 100% healing. With much love, Charmaine

  2. Thank you so much Charmaine! You are loved <3

  3. Oh Liz, I am so sorry you have been going through this and that you have felt alone. I so understand about the panic and the fatigue after social situations, though not nearly as bad as you. I understand too, how hard it is to feel faithful to the Lord when you have such little brain power. I am so grateful that God knows our weaknesses and loves us through them. Hang in there dear sister, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs and Prayers!!
