Tuesday, January 3, 2017

treatment: week eight

This post comes on the same day as the update on week seven because I am late posting!  Week eight starts on Christmas day. :-)

ozone treamtment; 400 RI followed by one hour in hyperbaric.  Bionic use at 10 points, 11.77, 330 seconds, 100%.  This week I added in a nosode for mycoplasma.  There are many different strains of mycoplamsa, the one I tested postive for being mycoplamsma pnemonia.  There is also a mycoplamsa fermentens incognitus that I was not tested for, along with another common one.  Most people infected with Lyme also have their own unique concoction of co-infections to go along with Lyme and muddy the waters.  It is important to see a LLMD that will understand co-infections and diagnose you accurately.  It has a lot to do with how you heal, detox and herx upon treatment of Lyme.

Mycoplasma is the most common co-infection of Lyme.  It can cause so many of the same symptoms as Lyme, so that's why I wanted to tackle it head-on.  Many of the treatments I am already doing will help to combat mycoplasma, but the bionic has nosodes for all kinds of co-infections and I am thankful to take advantage of the added treatment option.  As with the burgdorferi and babesia nosode, this mycoplamsa nosode was ordered from Germany, maker of the Bionic 880.

Today I feel so tired from three days of celebrating Christmas and almost fell asleep in the hyperbaric chamber.  It was a wonderful day of memories tucked away in my heart and by the end of the day my body felt heavy and groggy.  Rest is in order for a few days :-)

No treatment today (usually IV day) and everyone is tired, but we have all escaped the flu bug going around with our family and friends.  I feel very sore all over in my muscles, mild head-ache, exhausted, and my eyes feel painful.  It does not feel like a herx, I know that I pushed for a week straight and my body is just complaining.

Today was IV day...15 grams vitamin C plus Glutathione push at the end as ususal.  Even though I am so tired this week, I was still able to be outside doing some needed maintenance, organizing and some wood stacking.  My muscles were shaking by the end of my task and I felt sick to my stomach but I totally conquered!  I laid down the rest of the day (did the normal dinner/dishes) and recovered a lot by the end of the evening.  It is so nice to be capable again.

Ozone/Bionic day...400 RI followed by one hour in the hyperbaric chamber.  borellia, babesia and mycoplasma nosode at 100% power, 330 seconds, 11.77 hz.

Physically I am feeling very tired.  I pushed it too hard the last few days but the organization and clean was totally worth it.  I feel like my whole body did burn-out with weights (maybe my glycogen stores are not good, or maybe I burned through days worth of the little amount of cortisol I make?! LOL!).  I am mentally clear and can remember more things in my short-term memory.  The amount of peace that alone brings me is such a blessing...to remember a date past the moment it is spoken in the conversation....to go about my day and a few hours later be able to recall what I am supposed to write in my calendar without the panic that I have to do it RIGHT NOW or I won't remember AT ALL.  I know I pushed it too hard these past few days, because I could, and I won't continue to do that because I know my body needs to give it all it's got to heal.  But it felt so perfectly rebellious toward Lyme that I loved every aching minute.  I am getting better!!!! It's a slow process, but I am!!!!

IV day today- rested today.

Still feeling physically tired and achy with some knee pain but mentally haven't declined and still feeling no cloud of depression.

We would usually have today off, but I did treatment a day early due to scheduling.  Ozone 400 RI followed by one hour in the hyperbaric chamber.  Bionic 880 at 10 points, 11.77 hz, 100% power, 330 seconds.  Still feeling some pesky knee pain but energy output is amazing.  I packed up myself and my family for a one night trip out of town and did not have to sleep or drop flat afterwards.

For those of you who have battled debilitating fatigue, you know that just the thought of getting up to do something like that makes you cringe.  I am so incredibly humbled and thankful to be getting better.  I know that it won't be with the snap of my fingers that I am well, and I have a long ways to go.  But I can look back on the recent summer months and realize that I am not the person I was then.  I was physically a shell of who I am now, and totally desperate but not realizing how bad it really was.  Days and weeks went on and I kept thinking that the next week would be better.  The first week in May was the last time I was able to be out on a run.  I went to the doctor again after being loopy-tired for a week after and found out my cortisol was almost non-existent.  Exercise was not recommended.  Months went by without exercise other than daily household tasks.  The one time I went for a long walk it was at a women's retreat and it put me in bed for two days after.  That was right before treatment started.  It's all somehow a blur, and I feel like the Lord caught me graciously right as I began to descend at a shocking rate.

I am so grateful for the people and the doctors He put in my life to be my strength and give me hope when I needed it so badly, and to validate my symptoms in black and white on the lab results I received.  To tell me I wasn't crazy, and yes, I was sick and No, I was not a weak person, or a whiner.  I am so grateful that I have a husband who is sticking with me and sacrificing so much of his time, our finances and his heart in walking alongside me in this valley.  This treatment is working on a cellular level to help my body fight Lyme, and blast it right out of my body.  When I realize all these things, I feel my heart full to bursting at the glory of it.  I am getting life back, and it is a beautiful time to start a new year.  To God be the glory and all the thanks of my heart.  My prayers are many that He uses this treatment to heal my family completely.

This man has walked through the fire with me.  We are the last to say that it's been fifteen years of perfect, but all the broken and joys alike makes us love each other more.  Who else knows our own crazy as well as each other?  (And who else can make me laugh when all I want to do is act snarky?   It's so annoying...) :-)   I love you lots, Levi!

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