Tuesday, January 3, 2017

treatment: week seven

This will be a very quick update on week seven treatment and symptoms.  For those of you following along week to week, you will see a marked improvement in my energy levels and less pain all around.  It is such a wonderful feeling to have hope of climbing out of illness after years of battling what I thought was just adrenal fatigue and hypothyroid issues.  To actually have answers and hope is amazing.

400 RI ozone, followed by one hour in the hyperbaric chamber.  I have also been careful to ph balance after doing ozone.  In Germany lyme patients take many supplements and IV therapy to balance the bodies ph and stay alkaline after ozone treatment.  To my knowledge, this is not a common practice for those who do ozone in the states.  It's worth looking into if you are unfamiliar with the concept and you do ozone.  I take 1/2 tsp baking soda in water once or twice daily.  Beyond just ph balancing abilities, baking soda has amazing health benefits when consumed and I encourage you to research it!

Bionic: same settings as normal using 10 points.  100% power, 11.77 hz, 330 seconds with burgdorferi, and babesia nosode.  I continue taking arteminsin and cryptolepis but will stop after 10 consecutive days.  This is per bottle instructions.

Physically feeling good- getting a little tired prepping for Christmas but more tired of being tired, so I push through.  I am ready to plug into the world and feel like life is actually happening again.  It feels like life has been on hold and I have been a "me" that I don't want to be.  I am so happy to see more energy and it's hard not to push myself because I can!

Today was the high dose IV C day (25 grams).  Iv's went well and I feel tired and foggy today so will rest.

Today I had energy to help my husband at his office for a bit and had a phone consult with an LLMD four hours north of us to discuss my oldest sons IgeneX test results that just came back.  She confirmed that our oldest has Lyme.  His immune system is fighting well, but we will have to at some point determine what our next steps are for him.  It was good to have the answer, but also sad to see another kid lyme positive, and my mommy heart grieved a bit more today.

Today I felt clear-minded with minimal glimpses of knee pain.  I had no foot, hand or leg pain and was able to press on through my day multi-tasking without feeling overwhelmed.  I was efficient and functional!  Even with Christmas traffic, there was no panic in my heart or crazy in my head.

Today is ozone day again...400 RI followed by one hour in the hyperbaric chamber.  Bionic usage at 10 points, 11.77, 330 seconds, 100% power with burgdorferi and babesia nosodes.

I have very little physical symptoms, and can hardly believe that I feel so normal.  I have no head-ache or brain fog.  No hand/leg/knee/hip pain and I have been able to be in bumper to bumper traffic and make quick decisions without anxiety.  I am more patient with my boys and more calm about the (constant- LOL) messes in the house.  I am still tired on a level I can't describe but I am not so tired that it hurts anymore.  I can be up and function all day at a decent level without the undeniable need to lay down.

For a few days I thought I was totally healed!  Today was a bit of a dip that I really was not expecting...I think I am herxing a bit from babesia or just more lyme die-off.  I am struggling a bit feeling overwhelmed emotionally (a typical babesia herx symptom) and also have head-ache and fatigue in joints and all over my body.  I don't want to do anything but lay still and not move.  I also know that it's Christmas season, I have pushed myself and I added babesia treatment into the mix, so rest is the best answer for today.  My kids are really tired too, so I think we all have pushed ourselves in the spirit of Christmas fun!

We celebrated Christmas a few days early with family and had a wonderful day.  Despite lots of fun and busyness, I only came home with a minor headache, and was able to stay awake all afternoon/evening without laying down.  Feeling thankful and blessed!

This was Christmas Eve.  We usually celebrate with our boys Christmas morning, but because Christmas morning had to be ozone day, we decided to celebrate Christmas Eve.  I was so busy that I really didn't write down any symptoms.  It was a wonderful day to celebrate the gift of Jesus and the gift of each other.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day!

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